This fall has been glorious! Warm temps, sunny skies and sleeping with the windows open because it's just too hot in the house. Rarely does the Northern prairie afford such luxury. It's been so warm that the digging of beets was on hold for longer than I've ever witnessed. We are now in full dig campaign and the end is actually in sight. But the cooler digging weather means the next expense is looming. I will soon have to turn on the heat.
I haven't had the heat on since spring passed. I kept the A/C off as much as I could. (However, I do understand that my sweet husband does work in the heat all day and just because I can tolerate the heat doesn't mean that he shouldn't be cool and comfortable when he is at home. I'm not that mean.) But yes, the heat will be on soon. This morning it was 60 degrees in the house when I got up. I can deal with cool temps in the house to save money, but there will come a point when the furnace is fired up for comfort.
The sun helps to warm the house during the day, and since we're gone to work a lot of the time, we can keep the heat off just a bit longer. Keep the costs down. But soon the filter will be changed, switches will be flipped,and the sound of the fuel lighting will be heard. I hope I'm here for it. Here for the sound of home and comfort. And that smell. The smell that comes from that first firing of the furnace. The smell that says, "It's cold and inhospitable outside, but I am home, warm and safe.